Patty Chang, Que Sera Sera
October 1, 2020–November 8, 2020
Organized by Nancy Lim

If I had it to do over again, I would assign other stages of mourning to the scripted five steps of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Perhaps the leap between depression and acceptance seemed too big a gulf to bridge. Between them, I would add in no fixed order: repositioning, integrating, shapeshifting, imagination, enchantment, trance, transmogrification, invocation, mystification and bewilderment. When the time comes, because I am sure it will, I’ll test them out, and let you know how it goes.


Patty Chang, Que Sera Sera is a two-venue exhibition exploring loss and the visual expressions that emerge in its wake. The photographs and films on view, made between 2001 and 2017, trace our ties to home and homelands, grasping for those we love, whether they inhabit this world or the next.

Patty Chang is a Los Angeles-based artist working in performance, video, writing, and installation. Her work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Hammer Museum, Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, M+ Museum, Hong Kong, the Moderna Museet, Stockholm, and more

The exhibition continues at Friends Indeed.

Nancy Lim is a curator at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She previously worked at the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Upcoming projects include a book on Deborah Remington and an exhibition with Harry Dodge and Alicia McCarthy at the San Francisco Arts Commission Galleries.

Image: Patty Chang, Gait Remains Partially Impaired, 2005. Two channel video. 20 min. Video still.

Special thanks to Micki Meng.
Photography by John Wilson White