Claudia La Rocco
petit cadeau
Friday, January 25, 2019
Doors 6:30pm, Performance 7pm
3320 18th Street
San Francisco, CA
petit cadeau, an android coming-of-age story and invisible love letter to dance, is Claudia La Rocco’s first novel. It was originally published in 2015 by The Chocolate Factory in New York as a print edition of one and four-day live edition. The book is presented here as an official West Coast release, reading, and performance featuring La Rocco, musician/composer Phillip Greenlief, and dancer/choreographer Alex Escalante.
Claudia La Rocco is a writer whose work frequently revolves around interdisciplinary projects and collaborations. She is the author of the selected writings The Best Most Useless Dress (Badlands Unlimited) and the chapbook I am trying to do the assignment ([2nd Floor Projects]). Her duo with Phillip Greenlief, animals & giraffes, has released the albums July (with various musicians; Edgetone Records) and Landlocked Beach (with Wobbly; Creative Sources). Interstitial, the sequel to petit cadeau, was published by Michelle Ellsworth’s Man Pant Publishing imprint in 2016; The Lab has commissioned the trilogy’s conclusion.
Phillip Greenlief is a saxophonist involved in over 30 projects with an international crew of free improvisers and new music innovators. Playing solo is his most personal work, and in this context his concerns are obliterating the tonal system in favor of establishing a sound language that is accessible to musicians from all cultures and abilities.
Alex Escalante recently returned to California after two decades in New York, where he worked as a dancer, choreographer, actor, photographer, carpenter, and teaching artist in the public school system. His multi-disciplinary projects explore current socio-political issues, creating a performance space in which viewers are invited to examine and reflect upon their own beliefs.